Welcome to Kuhn Memorial Presbyterian Church, located at 955 Main Street in the Village of Barboursville, West Virginia.
Kuhn Memorial has been a witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community for over one hundred years. We are a part of the family of Reformed and Presbyterian believers and a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in the Presbytery of West Virginia.
We are a congregation of younger and older, male and female, life-long Presbyterians, and newcomers. We represent a variety of vocations. Our families come in many delightful forms. Many of our members live in the neighborhood, but our reach is deep and wide, with members coming from Milton, West Virginia to the east and Worthington, Kentucky to the west. We welcome everyone who seeks a relationship with a loving and gracious God and the fellowship of the church.
The life and faith of our church may be described by four pillars of ministry: worship, education, fellowship, and service. The Covid 19 pandemic has presented us with challenges, but we have maintained an on-line worship presence via our website, Kuhnmpc.org. We anticipate returning to worship at the church in the near future and resuming activities according to safety protocol.
Our pastor is Rev. Cinda Harkless, who was confirmed at Kuhn in 1971, and says this is the church who “loved her into ministry.” She is an alumna of The Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pa. Cinda is married to Ed Harkless, Cabell Midland High School vocal music teacher and organist at another local Presbyterian Church. They are the parents of three daughters and two grandsons.
The ministry and mission of KMPC is supported by staff members Jessica Kidd, Secretary, Mark Baker, Church Musician, and Merritt True, nursery attendant.
For all these blessings, we proclaim, Soli Deo Gloria! To God alone be the glory.
Kuhn Memorial has been a witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community for over one hundred years. We are a part of the family of Reformed and Presbyterian believers and a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in the Presbytery of West Virginia.
We are a congregation of younger and older, male and female, life-long Presbyterians, and newcomers. We represent a variety of vocations. Our families come in many delightful forms. Many of our members live in the neighborhood, but our reach is deep and wide, with members coming from Milton, West Virginia to the east and Worthington, Kentucky to the west. We welcome everyone who seeks a relationship with a loving and gracious God and the fellowship of the church.
The life and faith of our church may be described by four pillars of ministry: worship, education, fellowship, and service. The Covid 19 pandemic has presented us with challenges, but we have maintained an on-line worship presence via our website, Kuhnmpc.org. We anticipate returning to worship at the church in the near future and resuming activities according to safety protocol.
Our pastor is Rev. Cinda Harkless, who was confirmed at Kuhn in 1971, and says this is the church who “loved her into ministry.” She is an alumna of The Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pa. Cinda is married to Ed Harkless, Cabell Midland High School vocal music teacher and organist at another local Presbyterian Church. They are the parents of three daughters and two grandsons.
The ministry and mission of KMPC is supported by staff members Jessica Kidd, Secretary, Mark Baker, Church Musician, and Merritt True, nursery attendant.
For all these blessings, we proclaim, Soli Deo Gloria! To God alone be the glory.
Psalm 133 describes the blessings we receive from God when we live in harmony with others:
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe.
It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life evermore.
One of the blessings we’ve received during this Covid era is the generous sharing of resources. I am very pleased to offer some Christian education resources for children made possible by First Presbyterian Church Huntington and one of their Christian educators, Margaret Robateau. Until we can meet regularly with our children and families, I hope these brief opportunities will provide spiritual nourishment.
Cinda Harkless
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe.
It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life evermore.
One of the blessings we’ve received during this Covid era is the generous sharing of resources. I am very pleased to offer some Christian education resources for children made possible by First Presbyterian Church Huntington and one of their Christian educators, Margaret Robateau. Until we can meet regularly with our children and families, I hope these brief opportunities will provide spiritual nourishment.
Cinda Harkless